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Members-Only Area

Minnesota Association of Financial Aid Administrators 

Professional Development Committee

This committee is responsible for assessing the education and training needs of the Association. This committee will attempt to provide training opportunities and professional assistance through sponsorship of training workshops and conference interest sessions to Association members and other interested parties such as high school counselors and agency personnel. This committee will perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the established committee description.

2024-25 COMMITTEE Members

Jennifer Swanson - Chair
Jennifer Williams - Co-chair

If our committee sounds interesting to you, we would love to have you join us for the 2024-2025 aid year! Please contact Jennifer Swanson at jswans12@d.umn.edu.

What are we up to?

We are working to offer a variety of training opportunities which will include FA 101, FA for Non-Financial Aid Professionals, NASFAA Credentials, and Hot Topics. We plan to have a mix of virtual and in person training options.

Upcoming events


Student Aid Webinars

FSA Outreach - YouTube

2024–25 FAFSA Demonstration Live Webinar August 17, 2023 - FSA Website
2024-2025 FAFSA Demonstration Live Webinar - YouTube
24-25 FAFSA Preview Presentation.pdf   

Attigo by Ascendium 

FSA Training

Better Allies

Subscribe to Better Allies NewsletterEach week, Karen Catlin shares 5 everyday actions to create a more inclusive workplace.


Off the Cuff Podcast


Mental Health Awareness Resources

Healthy Work Habits

Managing Difficult Conversations

Professional Development Webinars

Join today!

If our committee sounds interesting to you, we would love to have you join us for the 2024-2025 aid year! Please contact Jennifer Williams via Teams or email at jennifer.williams@southcentral.edu.

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