Committees and Task Forces
Current Committees and Task Forces
Awards Committee
This committee shall be responsible for Association awards. The committee members would include the current sector representatives and the membership coordinator. The current president will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee. This committee will perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the established committee descriptions.
Business Partners
This committee is responsible for coordinating the solicitation of funds for the professional activities of the Association. This committee will perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the established committee description. Read more...
Conference Planning Committee
This committee is responsible for the Association’s conferences and will perform all of the necessary duties and responsibilities to provide the members with meaningful and productive conferences. This committee will perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the established committee description.
This committee shall be chaired by the President, and shall include the President-Elect, the Past President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the Treasurer-Elect and the chair of the Corporate Support Committee. This committee shall assist the President in the preparation of an annual revenue and expenditure budget to be presented to the Executive Council for approval. They shall monitor the ongoing fiscal health of the Association throughout the year and recommend the most appropriate investments and financial strategies to the Executive Council.
Outreach and Early Awareness
This committee is responsible for establishing financial aid awareness throughout the state. We do this by organizing and volunteering at the National College Fair as well as work together with MOHE and high school counselors to coordinate volunteers for FAFSA completion/information events.
Professional Development Committee
This committee is responsible for assessing the education and training needs of the Association. This committee will attempt to provide training opportunities and professional assistance through sponsorship of training workshops and conference interest sessions to Association members and other interested parties such as high school counselors and agency personnel. This committee will perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the established committee description.